Originally Posted by K22
Originally Posted by steve4102
Originally Posted by hosfly
https://archive.fo/lu9zr Which is why I say clean up the courts before arrest's we will see,,,

Ok, so Comey’s daughter is one of the prosecutors in the Epstein case, how does this support the Deep States plan to take down Trump?

Is she a hot shot like Weinstein and defense attorneys fear her? Not hardly. So what’s the big deal?

Being a Comey will not generate much if any Fake News Fodder. So why is she important?

Facts and truth will not help to take down Trump, but headlines can. Big headlines are acoming.

Soon she will Publicly recuse herself from the case stating conflict of interest because President Trump ( the man that fired her father) is involved.


Epstein case, Trump involved, prosecutor recuses herself...

What headline so far has taken down Trump? NONE! But what has happened to those who headline false news about Trump? They go down!
I'm not buying into the doom and gloom of the sky is falling every time MSM puts up some false headline. The past trend is dead. The demons are no longer in control. Stop trying to put them back in power.

Never said this would take down Trump.

I said this is part of the ongoing plan, coup, insurance policy that has been running since 2015.

The fact that this case is coming from the SDNY , the same SDNY that has been investigation Donald Trump and his businesses for months looking for a crime, not investigating crimes, looking for crimes, should raise more than a few eyebrows and concern many.

Falsely accusing President Trump didn’t work with the collusion angle or the obstruction angle. Neither did the #MeToo bull schit. Those accusations were not horrific enough, didn’t disgust people enough, so the Deep State had to manufacture a false narrative that would separate President Trump from his base.
Enter Jeffery Epstein, a truly disgusting human that has already been convicted of sex crimes. Exposing Epstein and his “friends” will make it impossible for them to walk down the street. Falsely accusing Donald J Trump as a “friend of Epstein’s, might do the same to Trump as it will to Epstein ‘s real friends.

Why now after all these years?
Why the SDNY?
Where does Acosta fit into the Deep State’s Plan?
Who controls the Media?

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Give a man a welfare check, a forty ounce malt liquor, a crack pipe, an Obama phone, free health insurance. and some Air Jordan's and he votes Democrat for a lifetime.