Originally Posted by jaguartx
BTW, just a note for anti-Qbers: the mass shooters post their stuff on Facebook, Twitter, and You Tube, not 8 chan. The Australian shooter posted his video of killing to You Tube. Why? To enhance anti gun sentiment. They can get traction to have that occur on 8 chan.

The swamp is working to demonize 8chan and keep Q offline. Why?

8chan demonized itself.

8chan is known for hosting child porn and child abuse. Overall, it is a lawless hate-filled cesspool where anything goes and is a vile scum haven for Internet trolls.

8chan has posted graphic pictures of young naked children and even had a forum called "young love", where pedophiles could discuss their pedophile urges on the anything-goes website.

If one child's life can be saved, 8chan needs to stay shut down forever.

Why aren't the Qbers as concerned about that as they are with the Epstein debacle?

8chan was created by a halfchan poster called Hot Wheels while he was on a psychedelic mushroom trip. What a mentor...

No worries, 8chan users will soon scurry to new homes like cockroaches in the dark.