Originally Posted by K22

Empire News is a satire site, Lol. laugh. Please do at least a little bit of research before posting.


President Trump announced today that he and Mexican President Andres Manual Lopez came to an agreement about the border wall “fiasco,” and that Mexico has finally agreed to pay for the Wall, in exchange for the return of Texas to the southern country.

“As a great man once said, only steers and queers come from Texas, and I don’t care about either of those things at all,” said President Trump. “Except of course in regards to my great VP Mike Pence, but he’s not a Texan queer, just a regular one, so it’s okay.”


Empire News is intended for entertainment purposes only. Our website and social media content uses only fictional names, except in cases of public figure and celebrity parody or satirization. Any other use of real names is accidental and coincidental.

Remember why, specifically, the Bill of Rights was written...remember its purpose. It was written to limit the power of government over the individual.

There is no believing a liar, even when he speaks the truth.