Excellent flow of information K. I appreciate it as I've not had as much time as I'd like to do any research, so piggybacking on your efforts is really appreciated.

Not having the time, however, is not a negative for me at this point. I'm still in popcorn mode and enjoying the opening act. By the end of this month we should be off to a nice start getting into the meat of the movie. Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing.

Ever notice in the fall when the flies come in and they start buzzing around you and they're a royal pain in the ass? It's not that big a deal to ignore them knowing that their incessant buzzing will cease with finality because Winter is coming and nothing's gonna change the inevitability of that.

IG/FISA declass is not an if, it's a when. It's inevitable. Dropping together for strategic reasons which will become apparent post drop. And it's only the first. Of many. D5 Avalanche.

Wonder what tune the pesky flies will sing post declass?

Enjoy The Show!!!

FISA Brings Down The House!!!

WWG1WGA!!! (except for Eeyore)
