Wear them down.

"As a practicing attorney in State and Federal courts for many years, here is a typical case. Client has a winning claim; lawyer figures out winning arguments fairly quickly.

Defense tries delay, confusion, bogus counterclaims, and offers to negotiate but with no real satisfaction. Your client tries one or more procedural moves to win a judgment early, but is often rebuffed by a judge too ignorant, afraid or partisan to rule in your favor. How could the order say THAT? is common.

Frustration, run-arounds, more games. Finally the opponent runs out of cash to finance oppo, starts procedurally defaulting and proffering excuses as the inevitable appears on the horizon. At this point a default or procedural motion breaks their back.

Judgment. Victory. Execution on assets. At this point defendant has 4 options: (1) pay up (which usually they can't do because they put all their eggs into a BS defense that failed), (2) agree to work hard and pay the judgment in installments, (3) bankruptcy (too disgraceful for many), or (4) have a heart attack on an untraceable island, to live out life abroad.

All the while the winners are growing more and more frustrated waiting for closure. (#QArmy.)

In the case of a very rich defendant, delay and unlimited resources cause many a valid claimant to give up.

The defendants in the Q plan range from the paper wealthy to societal behomeths.

The Dec 2017 EO is the great equalizer. So too are assaults mounted by Rep. Nunes, JudicialWatch, the Covington kids and 45 himself against #FakeNews -- their "loss leader" but critical to their defense of shaping public opinion (and any jury ).

Attacking Fake News seems tedious at times, but weakening their scouts and couriers is felt by the leaders, and increases THEIR stress level, which in turn leads to hasty mistake after hasty mistake. Notice the recent "unforced errors" of their lead propagandists at NYT WAPO CNN MSNBC?

We are now in "late stage" Fake News. They are "making up" facts since reality is starting to dawn on the populace (jury), which once and maybe still think Hussein was America's savior, along with the motley crew of 2020 Dem candidates.

Little solace to the QArmy, which tends to stress over every twist, turn,and mischarcterization of the litigation.

There's a reason Q keeps repeating: Enjoy the Show. That's a good way to look at it.

One more thing: while defendants may ultimately admit guilt in writing, seldom will they submit to a 1984-style public oral confession for all to see.

'Saving face' is trait practiced everywhere.

Until it's "over," it's pretty much all stress and disappointment. So it's best to let 45 and Q keep winning in small yet savory bites, and watching rats scurry from the light.

We are witnessing the greatest slow-motion knockout of all time, reversing years of abuse. So in reality, the more methodical the execution the better.



another Federalist anon"