Originally Posted by Squidge
Originally Posted by K22
Malia Obama, A JP Morgan "Select" Credit Card, And Cocaine.

This image started popping up yesterday, from what I can tell it originated on 4chan...


Yeah..OK...4chan bullshit you're thinking, but read on.

The OP implied he had spent the night with Malia, adding a comment about her oral skills (something about golf balls and garden hoses). While it's impossible to verify this guy's story, that sure as [bleep] looks like a JP Morgan "Select" credit card with Malia's name on it next to a few lines of Bolivian marching powder. Those cards aren't available to just anyone mind you (they normally require a net worth of 10 million dollars or more, though if you're Obama's daughter they probably wave the requirement), and it's a known fact that Malia's daddy carries one.


Someone on 4chan commented that this pic would quickly be debunked, and sure enough I found an article on some obscure Obama-friendly website this morning that claims someone stole Malia's card and staged the photo. Yeah...like anyone is going to steal her card and post a pic of it on the internet knowing what a [bleep]-storm it would create. More likely that someone took a quick pic while Malia was taking a piss...she probably gets a kick outta chopping up lines with the world's most prestigious credit card.


Granted, the lines seem pretty small, but when you have killer toot you don't need snow-drifts, and you can bet your ass Malia puts only the best up her wealthy, privileged nose. Funny thing is, someone is going out of their way to bury this story...I found a couple of Twitter accounts that posted the pic and got shut down, as well as a couple of 4chan threads that got whacked. I screen-capped what I believe to be the original...


Maybe Malia should hook up with Hunter, eh?


This story brought to you by the crack investigative news team at http://captaincaleb.com


Lol, your links don't work. Maybe Steve is right.


They work for me.