Ukraine Newspaper Reports | US House and Senate Received Rudi Giuliani's Secret Memos on the Joe and Hunter Biden Case | US Media Silent

On October 7, 2019 Ukrainian newspaper Babel published memoranda detailing Guiliani's interview with Ukraine Prosecutor General Lutsenko on January 25- 26, 2019 with and with former Prosecutor General Shokin on January 23, 2019.

The US Media has not reported on this story.

Translated into English

"He had a telephone conversation and a meeting with Ukrainian prosecutors, Rudolf Giuliani, at the office of his consulting firm . During the conversation with Shokin, apart from Giuliani himself, there were Igor Fruman, Lev Parnassus and George Boyle, the director of investigations of the firm. They also attended Rudolf Giuliani's meeting with Yuri Lutsenko. Lutsenko was also accompanied by MP of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc Gleb Zagoriy and Crimean Prosecutor Gunduz Mammadov.

The main topic of conversation and meeting was Donald Trump's main rival in the upcoming presidential election, Joe Biden, and his relationship with the Burisma Holdings gas company certificate

A vertically integrated holding company that explores, extracts and sells hydrocarbons. The holding calls itself the largest in the country in terms of proven reserves. The gas-producing company Esco-North, which is part of BG, is the fourth in Ukraine in terms of production and eight in profitability.

. Company owner certificate

Mykola Zlochevsky is a great Ukrainian industrialist. In business since 1991: together with a classmate he founded a company that exported metal, then traded in oil and petroleum products. In 2002 he founded the Burisma Group. He was elected to the Parliament twice by the Party of Regions list. Since the end of 2003, he has held positions in government departments that were licensed for exploration and development of oil and gas fields under Prime Minister and President Yanukovych. appeared in five criminal cases conducted by the GPU. Until recently, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's son, served on the company's board of directors.

According to Victor Shokin, he was pressured to "freeze" the investigation: first, US Ambassador Jeffrey Piett, and then President Petro Poroshenko - and they did so in the interests of Joe Biden. For his part, Yuriy Lutsenko spoke about bank payments from Burisma Holdings in favor of Hunter Biden personally and in favor of consulting firm Rosemont Seneca Bohai (RSB), in which Hunter Biden was a partner for some time. According to Yuriy Lutsenko, payments to RSB were made for lobbying by Joe Biden, not his son.

On October 2, the Inspector General transmitted these memoranda to members of the House of Representatives and the US Senate to committees on international affairs, intelligence and others. Committees will hold hearings on the subject this week. The committee members are going to interview five US officials who oversaw Ukraine.