Originally Posted by steve4102
Originally Posted by K22
Originally Posted by steve4102
Originally Posted by Whip

Trump got Liu to step down as US Attorney for DC

The real question is, why the hell did he appoint her to the DC position in the first place?

Who is advising President Trump on all of these failed nominations and appointments?

Are you really that [bleep] stupid?????????????? Or is this some preschooler game you keep playing??????
Those questions have already been answered, but one more time .............again........ here is the answer. This time I'll add a bonus for $1000. Read them very slowly in the order they are posted, then read them very slowly again. Now read them very slowly one more time.
Got it? Perfect.

Oh. please, not more drops from Q explaining nothing and claiming everything is misdirection.

Fact, President Trump nominated and appointed Liu to the DC position.
Fact, President Trump nominated her for the Treasury Dept position.
Fact, he withdrew her nomination for the Treasury position.

Why nominate her in the first place just so he can fire her later?

Same goes for Coats, why nominate him just to fire his crooked ass later?

Can't figure it out can you. LOL