Originally Posted by K22
Originally Posted by irfubar
If "Q" is real they better do something real quick

Many ignore the information posts I make, but here is a link to one of the things they are doing...https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-again-monitor-compliance-federal-voting-rights-laws-election-day

The NSA's Program Scorecard may have worked for them in 2012, but didn't work so well for them in 2016. Now the NSA is run by Military Intelligence and the CIA attempted take over (can you say Snowden) failed. This
all past history, but the fear porn folks keep throwing their fear bones to the public to keep them divided and fearful. Makes it easy to conquer the masses.
As Jag said a few posts up, this is a Movie, the Actors and Actresses will act, but the script has already been written and like all Movies, the Hero will win. Like most Movies this is a drama with all the emotional ups and downs. And like
a good Movie it will keep you on the edge of your seat, gasping, laughing, and cheering all the way through it, but never fear, at the end the Hero wins. I've seen the Trailer, we win, trust me.

You were right about one thing, I am laughing at this hahahaha