BIG! CodeMonkeyZ : Dominion Users Guide Shows How Easy It Is to Remove a Batch of Votes by Designating Them As "Spoiled"

Like the fractional voting function (aka "weighted race") that allows a user to flip votes from one candidate to another, Dominion users can designate a batch as "spoiled" during the adjudication process. This removes the batch from the vote tabulation counts:

Step 1: Select all

Step 2: Send to Adjudication

Step 3: Spoil the entire batch (presto!)

From the Dominion User's Guide:

Remember, when a ballot is scanned into a Dominion machine, the vote tabulation is not based on the actual paper ballot, it is based on the "image" of the ballot created by Dominion. In theory, Dominion could program their system to translate a vote for Trump to a vote for Biden (creating an image that differs from the paper ballot). It could also deliberately create a corrupt image, requiring adjudication (manual handling). In the adjudication process, a person could change a vote from one candidate to another, or in the case above, delete an entire batch via the "spolied" function.