Originally Posted by steve4102
Originally Posted by K22
Originally Posted by steve4102
Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by K22
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Originally Posted by jaguartx
Next question. How did Cue crew (Mil. Intel ?) know in Mar 2019 that the Wisconsin Vote Spike would occur at exactly 3:42? Shazamm.


If they knew, why didn't anyone stop it? Are they for the other side?

Think about it. Why didn't they. Think outside the box.

It's easy to catch crooks when they come in the front door.

You cant chop a crook because of what you knew they would do. You have to let them do it, prove it, them killem. smile

Catching them is the easy part, making them pay is something entirely different.

So far Barr, Session and Wray have done a damn good job of making sure “they” don’t pay.

Cliensmith is going to do 0-6 months for his role in Spygate, and Barr has determined he acted ALONE, no conspiracy from the Obama regime.

Where is all this evidence, real hard evidence, going to go? Who is going to act on it, not Barr, not Wray, not the Republican Establishment, not the courts, then who?

And where is all of this information coming from? Who or where does it say that no one is going to act on it. I'm not talking in your time frame, I'm talking in actuality.
I remember recently everyone falling all over themselves because Barr said there was no election fraud found. Oh, my!!! Oh, wait, he really didn't say that! Oh.

Where? From your own link.

No conspiracy and Cliensmith acted alone.

Do you not read your own posts.

And where is all of this information coming from? Who or where does it say that no one is going to act on it. I'm not talking in your time frame, I'm talking in actuality.
I remember recently everyone falling all over themselves because Barr said there was no election fraud found. Oh, my!!! Oh, wait, he really didn't say that! Oh.