The Military.

Whether it's Steve Bannon's War Room, or lawyers, or legislators, or those fools on TV, (regardless of political affiliation) the one step they never mention is MILITARY ACTION or MILITARY TRIBUNALS. You will never hear them say "MILITARY INTERVENTION." They NEVER go there with their conversation. They always stop many steps short. It's always "does this lawsuit have a chance in court?" or the other side yells that "SCOTUS can't take this case because it's not constitutional to rule on." To them it's all about courts and lawyers, domestically. Military handles such things like espionage, sedition and treason. Yet all sides are not saying one word about it.
Not to mention, it's as if they don't understand that any amount of evidence from anyone, against anyone connected, can be brought out in court (SCOTUS) and then its game over (i.e., Hillary emails, Dominion emails, Wiener emails, Biden emails, etc.). FISA goes both ways. I hate to say it, but its true, even the conservative talking heads like Bannon don't [bleep] get how this is already an open and shut case.

The panic is real.

This war is real, but the fight has already been won. Why?

The Military. You didn't think we would come this far, with all that is known and stop, did you?