Originally Posted by marktheshark
Originally Posted by jaguartx
When Biden swore in illegally due to foreign interference he effectively took control of the US from the govt and gave control to the US military by law without it being a military coup.
Pete Gaynor of FEMA and Christopher Miller in charge of the military are now in control of the US by law.
Thats why FEMA and National Guard are everywhere in DC and will restore the US to the Republic.
That's why Trump said "The next administration will take control at noon today."
Now you know why Biden was the first President Elect who didnt have a govt plane sent to bring him to DC and he had to take his own plane.,

As Trump said, the 25th A would come back to bite them in the ass. It is that Amendment that deems Biden unfit to serve.
Trump is not in control and the military is now in control.
Head of the DC Nat Guard said "The National Guard is helping with the peaceful transition of military power".
Thats why Q said trust the US military.


The best is yet to come.

Couple problems with your little yarn there Jag...Number 1 Chris miller is No longer Acting Sec Def, Pete Gaynor is no longer FEMA admin.......but carry on!

Until the EO that placed FEMA in charge back last Fall is rescinded Jag is correct. All the sign points to what Jag. just said.