It’s time to stop. People who criticize Q for being a method of quelling the masses offer little difference when they speak of keeping oaths and defending the republic against all enemies foreign and domestic. None of it is happening.

The most logical and rational meme is that “no one is coming to save you.” Also, no one is going to save the republic. There are a lot of reasons for this, good, logical reasons. One is that the chances of a patriot surviving the first conversation with a federal agent are slim and none. Who knows who they are, they have infiltrated every situation. Suddenly, the patriot is carted off for conspiracy of something. So, there is no one to trust.

The reason for this is that the war has been raging for decades. The enemy is inside the lines. In fact, they are the lines. Those who hate America as founded and hate those who adhere to the founding are using the prison system as POW camps. No one has tried to stop these agencies from doing what they do. The truth is, they won. The declaration by the DHS that identified Trump supporters as “domestic terrorists” (up to 80 million people) proves that they won. All without our side having to exhibit heroism.

We are now a communist nation. This is proved by the fact that they are starting mop-up operations against what little opposition remains. Two keys to that are:

1) Someone who wrote a humorous meme during the 2016 election about being able to vote via text is arrested and facing 10 years in a POW camp. (see how long they hold onto their hate? More than four years)
2) The person who forged official government documents to facilitate the FISA warrant that allowed spying on Trump’s political campaign is given 100 hours of community service. (the only purpose was to steal the 2016 election)

A lot of verbiage is expended talking about proving something, i.e., proving that the election was stolen; that Epstein didn’t kill himself; that BLM/Antifa instigated a false flag at the capitol building; that 9/11 was an inside job, etc. Stop it. It doesn’t matter. It already happened. Stop fighting the previous battle. Every other battle will be fought the same way, because it works.

Since it is apparent that there is never going to be an armed insurrection in the United States, not by individuals banding together, or groups defending themselves, stop talking about it. That’s not who we are, not anymore. Once, the thirst for freedom beat strong in our hearts and we would have gone into the field, against all odds, to attack those who threatened our FREEDOM. No more and pretending that it will happen is just a waste of time. We couldn’t even suffer the backlash of a false flag event at the capitol without all of the so-called leaders denouncing the act.

Meanwhile, BLM/Antifa roam about the country causing all sorts of mischief, real mischief, i.e., damage and injury, against federal buildings of all sizes and descriptions and federal agents, police officers and sheriffs. Why? Because they are the handmaidens of the communists that have taken over the United States law enforcement apparatus from the top of the DOJ to the lowest individual agent; from the Chief of Police to the beat cop.

If there were any interest in FREEDOM at all, or the REPUBLIC, those “good” agents, the white hats, the generals in the military ranks, would cause a schism at this point. The election was stolen. There is evidence of such everywhere one looks, from military sources to county election supervisors who have filed affidavits. Proof of the true evidence is right there in court and the fact that no court, not high, not low will allow that evidence to be entered into the record shows how strong it really is.

It’s a coverup like so many we have seen before. It’s so obvious and direct that it shows how completely patriots have lost the war. The communists no longer feel the need to cover their tracks. They openly shut down discourse, debate, evidence and challenge anyone to object. They bring out their comrades in the media to shout it down. They know that anyone who tries will be vilified by the press, charged by the FBI and denounced by their neighbors.

When those seeking only their rights under the Constitution are categorized as “domestic terrorists” we fully understand the truth of that statement. Because to be a patriot to the republic is, to the enemies of the republic, a terrorist. The nation is now communist and anyone who uses any document to resist the overpowering force of communism will be destroyed. That fact is on full display in every aspect of society from wearing a mask, as the communists have instructed, to owning the means of self-defense.

So, from the Politburo are these latest directives:

HR 1, which codifies in law the means and methods by which the communists corrupted, stole and declared the election final. They simply overthrew the American system from within and HR 1 makes it all perfectly legal to do it again and again.

HR 127, which requires the “licensing” of firearms and/or ammunition. This is so elegant in its efficiency to ban all firearms once and for all, including imprisoning in POW camps anyone who resists the power of the communist government that it’s actually impressive. Once the license is filled out by the “law-abiding” gun owner, the license is just never issued and anyone being in possession of firearms and/or ammunition is in commission of a crime.

There it is. Full and complete communism in just two of the many bills to be passed through a communist House of Representatives (soon to be the lower house of the Politburo) passed in the communist Senate (soon to be the upper house of the Politburo) and signed into law by the President (soon to be President for Life or Committee Chairman of the Politburo).

It has already been proven that the people themselves will not stop this madness. Even if they tried, the communists would win.

This would not be possible with a legitimate media interested in the truth. It would not be possible with courts that functioned under their oaths. It would not be possible with a commander or two of the military willing to stand up for the nation. It would not be possible if the police or sheriffs refused to participate. It would not be possible with a congress that recognized the injustice and stood to demand justice. But, all are silent through intimidation or assimilation.

There is no denying that these are facts. Proof is all around and has been for several years.

No one who committed treason to the United States of America under the Constitution was held to account. That’s because they were protected by fellow travelers within the system until their communist counterparts could steal an election and install their puppet leader. Soon, the real, ideological communist will rise to power under the auspices of the Constitution.

Now, is the only chance to save ourselves so that we might be able to continue to breathe. It’s the only chance to keep our possessions and our families intact. Patriots all over the nation must now denounce the Constitution, turn in their weapons and discover the joy of recognizing the sin of whiteness. It’s the only way.


When a government, as a whole, has committed treason against the people by subversion and removes all effective methods of rectifying the situation there is but one recourse. Secession.

If FREEDOM is to exist ever again on the North American continent, it will have to be in some other form than the United States of America. All safeguards against tyranny have been conquered. Start working on secession, if you love FREEDOM.

One method is to start at the county level and establish your rights there. Then, build out from that one county at a time, if necessary. The first order of business must be to deny federal troops or agents access to the county in any form for any reason. They are the enemy or the messengers of the enemy, they told us so.

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Give a man a welfare check, a forty ounce malt liquor, a crack pipe, an Obama phone, free health insurance. and some Air Jordan's and he votes Democrat for a lifetime.