The poor defeated Qtards might want to check out “When Prophecy Fails", an old (1956) book by psychologists Leon Festinger and a couple of others. Will the shamed Qbers admit defeat and go on to normal, productive lives? Or will they continue to blame others, claim misdirection, or blame errors in their calculations, or soldier on with even loonier beliefs in their fantasies.

Qtards are the ink blot that has tainted the entire GOP and are a shameful embarrassment. Their “Great Awakening” is that they were conned in their own Internet game that went off the rails.

Qbers are so lost now, but I have little sympathy. They are a stubborn and arrogant group who keeps doubling down and blaming others or making excuses. How could normal people think this alternate reality game was real?

Oh, I forgot, it was just a movie with a bad ending. Cheers!