Originally Posted by szihn
Today is the day that Q and others have said and said and said that "the real president" will be sworn in. I am super doubtful.

Only "We the People" could make a difference now, and that difference can come from only 2 methods. #1. Total tax revolt and #2 open war. And probably both. Our 3rd option is to surrender like a prison B itch and bend over.

Dem/Comms always promise "positive change" and conservatives point fingers at the failure of socialist promises, going all the way back to 1838.

But I MUST point out that conservatives have fallen into the same trap of delusion and seem to hold onto empty promises and fantasies as dearly as any democrat, even then there is not one atom of evidence to support that hope ---and there are planets worth of evidence to show the leadership of the Republican party is as guilty of treason as any democrat. What is the definition of insanity? Doing the same bad thing repetitively and expecting a different and good result.

Please stop telling me, yourself, and everyone else that "Republicans are the only hope". If there was any hope in the Republican Party we would not be here in the 1st place. That's like telling a German Jew in 1944 the gestapo is their only hope. Time to stop saying what they, the Republicans, are supposed to be and start to acknowledge what they truly are and have been for over 50 years. We were just shown beyond argument we can't "vote them out" because we don't actually get to vote. It's a sham to keep fools locked into their foolishness.

The problem is not the Dem/Comms and it's actually not the Republicans either. Dogs bark because they are dogs. Liars and thieves lie and steal because they are liars and thieves.

We are the problem!

The problem is stupidity, and that is based in cowardice.
If We the People shed our cowardice and stopped paying to destroy our kids and the future of the republic the liars and thieves would have no power at all. That power is given to them by We the People. It can and it should be removed by We the People. The first 3 words of our nation's constitution are "we the People" and that is EXACTLY who can and will fix the problem, but if 328,000,000 remain in parallelizing fear of 4,000 then We the People deserve what we bring upon ourselves. If you pay for it, you ARE supporting it and bringing it upon yourself and your kids. We the People ARE responsible. If we shirk that responsibility then we deserve to be the ones loaded on the cattle cars and sent to the camps. But ask if your kids and grand kids deserve it too.

Please show a drop where Q said today.

Anons and Q are 2 separate things

God, Family, and Country.
NRA Endowment Member