Originally Posted by WhiteTail48
Originally Posted by hosfly
K Q hasnt posted half the stuff some of these guys believes has.. whats up with that ya reckon?

But, your Q false prophet HAS posted lots of “stuff” that fizzled. Q is a hoax and a liar. You been conned, Hos.

Trust Sessions,
Trust Huber,
Trust Horowitz,
Trust Wray (Q said at least 3 times).

Some sheeple need false hope and cryptic codes from a cult figure to give them a false sense of hope.


Still waiting Hillary’s predicted arrest, the Great Awakening (got the Great Disappointment instead), the cabal to be toppled and members to be imprisoned, tried, and executed, the Storm to arrive.....so many lies...

Q is the leftist goof on the right-wing suckers. Q will end up being one of the greatest hoaxes in Internet history.
Pres Trump appointed them,Not Q, I voted for Trump to fix these things and his agenda Not Q,,Up till the elecion Trump was the most successful Pres of my lifetime,maybe of all time, Pres Trump had the power to stop the election fraud, and struck out,, this is fact, If Pres Trump had followed the plan,either his or Q's since they both were the same,He would have busted this open,,,, so according to your logic,Trump has to wear this and walk off,, your above post, replace the name Q and replace it with Trump to find the truth,,WHo had the power to secure this election? who's duty was it to protect the integrity of the election? Q's or Trumps? The plan whether it was trumps or Q's was not followed, Who had to follow that plan,The ONLY one who could have followed the plan,Who botched it? dont get me wromg on DJT, Best POTUS ever, but I wont lie to myself,He shanked it, do I hold it against him? NO, I'd vote for him this minute,I think Hes a good man,,Q uncovered and exposed way to much sensitive stuff to be a larp, to much info was verified to be just some basement lurking poster,Trump follwed the plan up to the end,and it went offrail, The EO's,the exposure, the troops,the courts,senate,the evidence, all seemed to be his,all according to Trumps plan and relayed to us by Q, Who had the power to fix it Potus or Q,