Originally Posted by steve4102
Originally Posted by WTM45
Originally Posted by steve4102
There is no way he would sit back and watch this movie while Americans suffered financially, physically and spiritually.

So you openly admit the nation is suffering under Democratic leadership?

Maybe the change will come AFTER the rest of the nation sees it. Make sense?

...and who is going to make that change?
The Military, the same military (Marines) that attack Tucker Carlson for exercising his first amendment rights, that military.

The same military that has surrounded the capital to protect these crooked politicians from we the people, that military.

Wake the f*ck up.

To answer your question, I have no idea how change will be implemented other than "we the people" and voting. And yes, I do feel that has been compromised. You and I have more in common in our opinions than you might believe. I do not consider myself a Q follower. Really, I am no follower of anyone other than those who believe in the greatness of a country founded on spiritual principles and blessed by God.
But I do believe EVERYONE has to first see the evil intentions of those dead set on destroying what this country was built on.
You and I see it.
Does the rest of the nation? How long will it take?
Are we willing to do what would be necessary? I really don't know.