Originally Posted by marktheshark
Originally Posted by K22
Anybody hear the fat lady sing yet? Asking for a friend.

On your precious Q and the "plan" yes, the day Slow Joe and the Hoe were inaugurated and cemented the federal government in full commie control without any of your heroes predicted actions happening to stop it!!!
True,,, Not even Trump,whos DUTY it was to conduct free an fair elections,, strike 1,,,,, Even Trump who had signed EOs in place for said elections,strike 2,,, Even Trumps SCOTUS picks and countless fed judges refused to hear cases,,Strike 3, Why didnt Trump do the job? why didnt he fullfill his OATH , why did he stand by an watch the election get stolen and not do any thing? why didnt Trump arrest anybody? HRC,Brennon<clapper smollet Stryok, Hell even a jay walker,,, You 3 dumbfuQs answer me! Smells like Trump was in the bag huh? but couldnt be dear ol DJT huh because YOU as I voted for Him,,, The vax he pushed,so hard to get reckon Barron took it? but because you need a scape goat,a whipping boy, its gotta be Q LOL you guys take waterheads to a new high! every time I think yall couldnt possible get more clueless and stupider,, YOU RAISE the ceiling ,,, LOL you dipshiets are FUQING wonderfull,,,, come on here to trash those Qtards, and GET YOUR ASSs handed to you day after dominate day,,,, yet here you are again wanting another dose of reallity, that you just cant swallow,, LOL wow,, STOP, THINK it will come to you whos been had and by who,,,