Originally Posted by steve4102
What am I doing you ask.

I am doing everything I can to spread the word that Q is a fake, a fraud and quite possibly a CIA Psyops.

That there is No Military intervention coming, that we are on are own, that we must face the fact that our entire election system is corrupted, that We The People no longer have a voice at the ballot box and that We The People need to find ways undo this corrupt system ourselves because nobody and nothing is hiding behind a curtain just waiting for the right time to emerge to fix this for us.

That we cannot just sit back, eat popcorn, and pretend this is some sort of movie or show that has a happy ending as long as we just sit quietly by and let it play out.

The solution to every problem begins with first acknowledging that the problem exists. Without that, there can be no solution. I’m doing whatever I can to inform people, to wake them up and to help find real and honest to goodness solutions, instead of sitting back and just waiting for someone else to come to the rescue.

Will it help, prolly not, but it sure beats sitting around doing nothing and Enjoying The Show.

The WOKE are WOKE and the ones that are not Choose to be asleep and not see what is going on.

The only thing that will fix our screwed up lying BASTID system is to pick up your gun with others.
I do not see anyone willing to lead us in doing so with any credibility.
So if you really want to do the only thing that is going to fix this FOOKED up Country you had better be willing to pick up your guns.

I for one am not willing to fire the first shot and get annihilated in the process.
Until we get a true leader one that can bring us all together as one to fight these power hunger control freak SOB's
I am preparing to get as far from Snivalization as I can.
When we get a leader I will stand with the masses to take the trash out and get our country back.