Concerning those people (?) who are committing these crimes, it goes so deep and so wide it will be hard for all of us to comprehend. This just isn't a few rich people or world leaders. If you are just looking at Washington DC, the Government to be exact, if they arrested just those involved with crimes against humanity and treason acts, there would not be any Gov. left.............period. The US would collapse and China or some other country would just waltz right in. Before we can take these animals down, we first need to have the Military declare martial law, because the military is the only unit equipped to do the arrests and keep the Gov. running.
Yes, you will be able to watch on TV how they raped someones 2yr. old or how the sacrificed your 3 yr. old grandson, son, whatever to Moloch, or even how they bleed someones 12yr. son to death and drank the blood, or, we can watch how they bred someones 13yr. old daughter, so she could produce some evil looking creature. Better still, we will get to see who/what these evil creatures really look like. This is just surface stuff.