Originally Posted by high_country_

WOW!!!! Excellent find.

So obvious that much of what gets "discovered" as damning information is surface crap, low hanging fruit. New to us maybe, but nothing more than crumbs to lead us off the main trail. It's the very reason I'm being so patient, I have zero interest in tracking cannon fodder and have no interest in drowning in some illusional sea. I could care less at this time what devious move Wray made or Barr or any of the other low hanging fruit may have performed in the attempted overthrow of our Country. I don't care what the Supreme Court is doing or not doing. I don't frickin care what the Democrats are doing. I want to see the TOP puppetmaster discovered and removed, those puppetmasters who have no party affiliation, that's who I want removed.
For some of you Clowns like Stevie and his cohorts who believe you have a handle on unmasking Lucifer, you aren't even in the game. The moves and counter moves that Trump, Q, and others have been making and at times showing us in a fashion many have never been exposed to, these moves and counter moves are what's forcing the exposure of the Luciferian Cabal.
Trump, Q, MI, ect. are playing an exposure game that is so far over most heads that it can't even be grasped. Hence, the very reason the low hanging fruit pickers on here can only comprehend low hanging fruit.