Trump said we caught them all.
Trump did not accept the election results.
Trump predicted what would happen.
Trump has not appeared shaken or dishearted.
Trump was out of the public eye.
Trump came back in the public eye.
Trump had his ralliés.
Trump has become very vocal about the election.
Trump said the military is good just not the ones you see on TV.
Trump has said we will be back hold on.
The polices of the Biden administration are impacting everyone.
We the people are pushing back at an increasing raté.
The court cases are becomeing positive.
States are protecting themselves from federal overreach.
As the constitution isn't followed, overreach of power, aligning with other governments/treason, crimes against humanity
The military I believe under these conditions will act
As conditions decay most of the population will welcome change
My ramblings that I hope and believe indicate à plan is in place.