Q is a controlled opposition game spun out of control that has cleverly and intentionally played the players. Q has cleverly and deceptively mixed military, political, religious, and weird conspiracies into a movement/cult of paranoia, fear, hate, delusion, and false hopes.

There is no proof of a Q alliance with the military. If anything, Q’s claims have exploited and degraded the credibility of well-intentioned military men and women, not to mention our veterans, with false, deceptive intentions. With Q, one sees through a glass darkly. Nothing but secrets, lies, and deception. Everything with Q is in the dark, in secrecy, hidden coded messages, hocus-procus mumbo-jumbo cryptic gibberish.

I hate to see good people victimized and deceived by the lying false prophet “Q”.

Last edited by WhiteTail48; 12/08/22.