Oh my goodness, K22, bless your heart, you is really on that rabid Q-hamster wheel….round and round and round…you can’t stop or slow down, you gotta keep posting that Q bs…

Q is pure bs propaganda of a political nature: Jews and Democrats are eating babies!?!?!?
Drinking their blood ?!?!

This is the greatest mystery/fiction story ever! Amazing that an anonymous stranger, Q, on a child-porn website could appear on a child-porn website and start hinting about hidden military secrets that anyone could decode with a few cryptic clues…..you is the sleuther, K !!

Your Savior/Messiah Q has acted exactly like a fictional character, Wizard of Oz puppet master ,, should act! Woohoo! Q stirs the pot with false gibberish for fun and games, it’s just a game! Woohoo! Grab that buttered popcorn and enjoy the show !!

It’s a game that requires one to subservantly go down that dark, secret rabbit hole, tff, the harder you dig, the further down you do, woohoo!

Q’s game plays people. In this game, any object, symbol, funny-looking cloud in the sky, or image can be turned into a clue, woohoo, a clue! Apophenia at its best…

There are, however, NO solutions in this Q game, just an endless myriad of secret, cryptic clues, which the puppet master Q may, or may not, affirm. Clues HAVE to match the propaganda the puppet master Q is dishing out….. Propaganda fills the gaping holes….

Come on, man, how old are you? Are you really THAT stupid, as your Q Master would say…