Originally Posted by hicountry
No, this is going to be a real one, no 30k ft view required.

The USA has nothing to gain from starting a war with a nuke capable Russia or China, and everything to lose.

Better get yor white hats, or Patriots, or whomever the saviors du jour are, motivated and fast.

It's about debt and the need for the west to default on their bonds.

They need a war to justify it, else the plebians....people like you and me, will storm the castles and do some not so pleasant things to the leaders.

Think of all the pensions who are mandated to invest in bonds ? Especially in Europe.

Now you know the why.

If any castle storming did happen it probably would be just you and me............possible a few others but that's it. The leaders are quite dispensable, nothing more than cannon fodder to the cabal. The cabal could care less about any monies owed it by any country. Those debts are part of the illusion and Wars, while giving the appearance of being needed to keep Western countries afloat, another illusion, those Wars were aimed at population control through mind control.
Bring out the marching bands, the flag waving, and the Johnny get your gun posters and we fall for it every time. The few that don't are either blackmailed or eliminated.
Our only hope is winning back some minds, the very thing the Cabal fears, possibly the only thing. Once we can "see", the game is over for them.