Originally Posted by MrWilson
Originally Posted by funshooter
Originally Posted by MrWilson
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
You think Q was saying you were safe from EVERYTHING including “natural” disasters?

Come on man…

jaggernutz and k22 implying it was not natural. Some dews or laser or some such. reference their mountain dew maui blast as some sort of implication or proof.

We are in the middle of WW3 and some times just some times you loose a battle or 2 or 3.
It is a War.

This War is between good and evil.
Evil will win some skirmishes but in the end Good will win the War.

so then , you too believe the cabal , deep state , whomever you wish to call them have direct energy weapons and they intentionally zapped and fried Lahaina ? the burning or Maui was intentional ? Killing all those kids ? Just because ? To show the Patriots really do not have control ?

So here we are in a War, a War for your mind, a War between darkness and Light, the real Armageddon, and the Clowns think its just politics as usual. Politics, a term coined many years ago to distract attention from the truth of what is/was going on. Meanwhile, the Clowns are in their selected Churches learning about the darkness, the Devil, Lucifer and believe it all...........until it comes face to face, then they don't even recognize it. Nope, just politics as usual. Just by saying those words misdirects attention, leaving those who used those CIA/Media coined words apathetic and completely 1 dimensional. They cannot see the forest for the tree
s nor do they care.

and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: .........and know it not! My ending.