Originally Posted by K22
Originally Posted by stinkycoyote
Originally Posted by smokepole
Hey jag, show us actual footage or an actual source where Trump ever said it's not the real Joe Biden in the White House? Not some q-bqll interpretation of what he said, what he actually said.

LOL, this ought to be good.

He’s said it many times that he doesn’t even know he’s alive and that he’s taken his shot etc. You wouldn’t possibly follow that though, the tds levels of cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias won’t let you chase down and consume all info available or follow the guy even. He’s also mentioned central casting many times, not that you’d know but just more dots to connect for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

Here’s more hints that it may be you who’s been propagandized rather than the alternative you gaslight/project.

If you ‘feel’ some type of way about the guy, or q, or conspiracy theorists or unvaxxed, or climate change deniers etc then it’s you who’ve been manipulated. Those still in control of their minds or who’ve reclaimed their stolen minds don’t have this problem. They can take all the info and process to conclusion without emotion. If you can’t even look at the other info because you’re so triggered or ‘feel’ so strongly negative about it then there ya go...now you know it’s you. Now you have to figure out how that was possible and how do you break free of it? It’s the psychological side you need to learn about now as a much better use of your time rather than continuing to fight this losing battle against spiracy realists as we are no longer theorists lol, that got debunked awhile back after a few years of theories actually truth. The real theories come at you via tv, always have. wink

That was well said.

That’s some pretty funny stuff right there. Talk about cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias. Textbook worthy.