Originally Posted by MrWilson

At 80yo and failing health , I could use it now ! Only available on Xtwidder and in the comic book section ?

If this is true and you honestly want to reverse the failing health, then why are you not looking into this technology, at least that which is in use now? Or is your pessimistic perception to ingrained.

"other advance tech like healing laser technology like "The Lotus Laser" (A Mini Medbed) that through different frequencies you can tune it to heal specific things. Or I have shown you the medical device released in a Cleveland Clinic as a 1st of its kinds that is exclusively created to focus on healthcare released by IBM that uses Quantum AI which is focused on advancing the pace of biomedical research through the use of high-performance computing, artificial intelligence and quantum computing. "
And in the replies was this, a procedure I personally have used to success.


While you fools attempt to make fun or discredit the technology, some of the medical technology is old and has already been in use. If you ever get your heads out of your asses and actually look around you could learn something of real value.