bit of a derail and I haven't had time to catch up and see what the high iq 'q tards are f'n losers' crowd gaslighted yet but got one for pole smoker just to wind you up for the weekend bud

maybe there's more to this world after all lol, not my rabbit hole but when I saw it I thought of you bud, you're gonna love it, myself...well...I'll be taking that wait and see approach, as we've discovered on many subjects of late....most of us are on stair 1 of the first of 30 flights of stairs totalling of 100 stairs...and it takes a minute to unlock the mind along the way, research, learn, absorb, process....before we can get to the 100th stair lol, I'm not gonna say one way or another on the subject but If I were a betting man...smokepole will just say bullsh1t and others may grab a few stairs instead wink

tip of the iceberg bud...the q stuff is just the tip also, yer gunna need a helmet as this all comes crashing down around you and you dodge it like Neo dodges bullets lol

Last edited by stinkycoyote; 12/08/23.