plum...are you more aware of the world as it is being different from as told to us by the vs 8 years ago? yes or no question

if you answer yes, that is the discernment, that is the dot connecting, what may not be happening in this general overall gaining of perception of the world as it is being different than we were told by the official and well controlled who is actually helping us get there

the discernment is trying to understand how easily that microphone can turn people against each other or one trump, so the discerning way to read that is that if they attack one man, or a group of people, with the full might of the govt/hollywood/msm in know that person, or group of people, is actually bad....but it's bad for the those in govt/hollywood/msm who have been lying to us about everything means they are good for 'we the people'...that's you discern the news, in an Opposite Day way wink

you could ignore this thread completely and see that's how things work and we've come a long way the past 8 years and learned a ton about a bunch of major hot button topics that form the fabric of our lives/reality, now connect the dots on who the face of the start of all this learning is? that face is likely going to get carved into a mountain side one day lol...only those who have the special ability to see further down the road can see that yet though wink

Last edited by stinkycoyote; 12/15/23.