Originally Posted by K22
Originally Posted by WhiteTail48

10-foot tall “creatures” in Miami (but conveniently, no one got any video of these “creatures”…)

Flying silver armored aliens…

Lizard people…

People actually believe reptilian humanoids/lizard people are reptilian aliens (as in UFO aliens) disguised as humans to take over the earth.

The lizard people claim shouldn’t even be labeled a conspiracy theory—it’s total insanity. The ones who believe this insanity are delusional conspiracy theorists and (high-functioning) paranoid psychotic nut jobs. People who promote this insanity are sad, pathetic trolls or themselves insane.

Why would any sane person promote this?

Don't forget to add a flying horse, talking donkey's, talking Serpents, and whales that swallow people then spit them back out.
whitetail is allowed to chastise, shame people and call them insane nut jobs all in the name of self righteousness and Christianity. Those talking donkeys, people swallowing whales don't count.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.