10-foot tall “creatures” in Miami (but conveniently, no one got any video of these “creatures”…)

Flying silver armored aliens…

Lizard people…

People actually believe reptilian humanoids/lizard people are reptilian aliens (as in UFO aliens) disguised as humans to take over the earth.

The lizard people claim shouldn’t even be labeled a conspiracy theory—it’s total insanity. The ones who believe this insanity are delusional conspiracy theorists and (high-functioning) paranoid psychotic nut jobs. People who promote this insanity are sad, pathetic trolls or themselves insane.

Why would any sane person promote this?[/quote]

Don't forget to add a flying horse, talking donkey's, talking Serpents, and whales that swallow people then spit them back out.[/quote] whitetail is allowed to chastise, shame people and call them insane nut jobs all in the name of self righteousness and Christianity. Those talking donkeys, people swallowing whales don't count.[/quote]

We understand the difference between faith based upon religious stories, and current, factual events.

The second that the crazies admit their lizard-people and werewolves and secret aliens are a religious, faith-based belief, then you will be comparing apples to apples.

People have the right to their own beliefs, but not their own facts.

There is a difference.[/quote]

Hahahaha. That was a hilarious ignorant post. Thank you for the laugh.