Originally Posted by K22
Originally Posted by WhiteTail48
Empowering humanity calls for transparency and accountability, something the Q movement doesn’t promote. Q works in cryptic codes, numerology, and secrecy.

People feel powerful latching onto conspiracy theories, like the ones Q, Ariel, Savin, Parkes, Ward, etc. etc etc. promote. People believe they will be powerless if they unhook from the conspiracies and nutter conspiracists. Obviously, Qbers have tried to empower themselves thru these nutters, but it’s become an addiction, a pretty strong one at that. This thread is proof…

If one can’t think for himself, he needs help. Qbers are down the rabbit hole, holed in, with these crazy conspiracy nutters that have been wrong about nearly everything.

Why would anybody give their time and energy to these nutter conspiracists/conspiracies? Actually doing so is propping up the deep state. Not taking any action, sitting back, munching popcorn while the Patriots are supposedly in control is what the deep state wants. Good job!

Maybe some of us are “here” because something doesn’t smell right and actually stinks! Maybe some have figured things out as well…

Maybe some are discerning who the REAL enemy is. I believe “Q” is a demon in disguise. People are free to discern on a public forum and voice their opinions. Too bad if you nutters disagree! Get over it! LOL

The real enemy might very well be “Q” and her/his/its minions. After 6 years, nobody really knows WTH “Q” is…just sit back and trust the plan, eh?

One thing about it, we shall know pretty soon, eh?

The Q movement was all about transparency and accountability, leastwise for those who eyes to see. So who else spoke in cryptic codes...... well let us see.....
Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. Sound familiar to you. The actual method used by the Q team is called the Socratic Method which you either had no idea or you were being deceptive, probably the latter going by your posts.
Funny how what you call conspiracy theories have proven to be true.......well at least for those who have eyes to see.
By what you just posted you are alleging to know what the Deep State wants which tells me who you are. Good job!
People are free to discern on a public forum and voice their oopinions. Too bad if you normies disagree. Get over it! LOL
The real enemy is you and others who attempt to derail the truth from coming out, but you are doing to no avail. You are and will lose the battle.
From almost the beginning it became known who the Q team was/is for those who can see and understand, but not for those who can't obviously. The Plan has always been Trump's, military's, and some others who have been working towards it for a very long time. Heck, I and others were aware of it at least 30yrs. ago, were you?
And yes, we will know very soon.

Once Qnuts start drowning in conspiracy theories, anything and everything starts looking like “The Plan”. It is public psychosis on FULL display, LOL.

Qnuts are eventually going to wake up and realize they’ve been defecating in public while sleepwalking naked. Qbers have become more and more detached from reality. Thankfully, this thread is proof…becoming more paranoid, disconnected, anxious, and nutty.

Your cult-like obsession with and slavish loyalty to the nutter, Ariel, is off the charts loco. The more fanatical, the greater your loyalty. Fixated on Ariel’s hook, LOL. By the way, Ariel needs some new material, LOL. His old delusions are in fact getting old.

Surely you realize you have a problem on some level, surely….