Now I can’t fully recall what this ‘art piece’ of bill in blue dress was about as it’s super old news but they like to mock which is what the George w painting with paper airplanes with downed towers is about, and from recollection the monica lewinski blue dress scandal was a distraction they needed as they just passed a bunch of bad stuff in a bill or had to explain where a few trillion went or whatever but make no mistake bill and Hillary only married for show they both did weird fracked up [bleep] like all these psychos in power. All show. Jag and k22 may have better recollection on the bill blue dress thing. It’s a game to these people. That’s what it was about. When bill goes over to Epstein place with Andrew to rape more teens they have a good laugh about the paintings and the stories they give us to distract us from something very bad they did and needed to give us an illusion to look at instead of what we should have been looking at. It’s an old game. But we’re learning the game now. Which means we will win the game now.

The ‘art’ while subjective to interpretation isn’t really that hard to read.

Last edited by stinkycoyote; 01/10/24.