Ariel’s fantasies include a world ruled by werewolves, vampires, witches, lizard people, and underworld cannibal eating aliens. And to think Ariel has an adoring fan club of supporters and followers who lap up his nonsense as fast as he can crank it out.

The delusional fantasies are dark, weird and extreme, but these addicted followers are totally convinced that the fantasies and conspiracies are real and then get meshed into Q beliefs. Any doubts to their legitimacy is met with childish ridicule and insults.

All the dark delusional hype appeals to a delusional, gullible psyche. K22’s addiction to the dark, twisted fantasies is apparently strong. The Ariel followers unabashedly cling to their outlandish hunches, fantasies, and conspiracies, irregardless of any evidence to the contrary. Nutty conspiracy theories continue to float their fantasies and vice-versa.

Classic case study of gullibility, ignorance, and stupidity.