Originally Posted by stinkycoyote
Nah bro, you don’t get to dismiss that and minimize it. The greatest crime against humanity in this century hands down, and will rank in the top 10 of all time period. You ready for the spars event planned next? Covid was the soft trial. They got a way nastier one planned. Anyway...we’re not gonna forget this and we’re no longer gonna be distracted by the next crisis and war that they always do to get the people to move past these things. Game over, we see it now. We see it all now. And once you do...there’s no going back to sleep.
The next plandemic is already on the horizon,,and it will morph into another,,, and lots of peeps have been conditioned to via the vax, its better known as "vaids" vaccine auto immune deficiency, it weakens or outright destroys the bodies natural immune system,, and a little extra, weakens the heart,thickens the blood, causes clots,and deteriorates the organs. developed and patented by Fauchie ,and WHO,, and wonder of wonders, Its vaccine is in the works,, amazing huh,, A=A,,Ive linked to an article on one of these threads, about the US signing a treaty with WHO, that gives full authority to them over us,in any "health matter" to the point THEY can impose Martial law on US citizens,and basically govern every aspect of our lives,,which is the long game,, that is their play,,, Davos will get your an my tax money to a degree for our "carbon footprint" but this is the control move they have planned,, Bullshet you say?? their meeting on it this very week,,