Excerpt (pages 2&3):

"Your job on Monday (“should you accept it” – for Mission Impossible fans): Visit your local courtrooms and take a picture of the flag in each. Be sure the pictures document where the flag is located – is it behind the presiding judge? The odds are very high that the flags in your courtrooms are fringed with gold. Is this an indication that the courts in your state function under Maritime Law? Probably.

I have for years looked for reason in the decisions coming from American courtrooms – and as strange as it sounds, this makes a lot of sense and explains a lot of crazy decisions that have nothing to do with constitutional law.
This opens doors of lawful activity for Tea Party Groups... for all citizens, actually. Rather than protest – or sit quietly by doing nothing – take pictures of your courtrooms. Visit the links provided regarding flags and what they mean. Raise enough money to place a full-page ad in your local newspaper and publish the photos with a story. Educate the rest of the electorate as to why our courts allow corporate and government fraud and why the law seems to be interpreted differently for individuals than it does for people like Jeffrey Imelt, GE, and the politicians who support scumbags like him.

When you add judges whose Oaths of Office are not properly filed (see my NewsWithViews article) as constitutionally required by the state and the federal government, you will understand why taxpayer rape is being condoned by our legal system.

And here’s the second project for you – should you accept it, of course. Find the names of your judges – city, county and state. Call your county clerk and ask where the Oaths of Office for city and county judges can be found. Call your Secretary of State to find where each state judge’s filed Oath of Office is located (including the state supreme court). These are public documents. You are entitled to copies of them. When you find a judge whose Oath of Office is not on file, ask for a signed statement to that

Bear in mind that when judges do not have a legitimately FILED Oath of Office, every decision that person has made while on the bench is illegitimate. Most state constitutions say a public official without a FILED (not just taken, but legally filed) Oath of Office is viewed as if the office requiring the Oath has been “vacant.” Find the exact wording of your state’s constitution (look under Oaths of Office) regarding filed Oaths. Publish in your advertisement about court flags what the Constitution says along with the names of any judges who do not have one on file. Remember, district attorneys and federal judges and prosecutors take Oaths of Office, too."

"You've been here longer than the State of Alaska is old!"
*** my Grandaughters