Originally Posted by NVhntr
Originally Posted by rjf
Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by hosfly
https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/03/06/bush/ pretty well put together,,, if you believe that kinda crap,,

Great stuff, Hoss. Ties together several loose ends. Only problem is, this stuff is too deep for those of the Genius Crew and the Dumbassed Junkyard Dawg Crew, which is why Trump tries to help them by pointing the people to Q who also makes it simple by saying, "Trust Trump" and "Trust the Military".

A smiling Bush, two jet planes, and two demolished buildings.


[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]free image hosting sites

So, gotta point out the obvious to help out the non genius crew and non junkyard dog crew. Let me help you decipher this and connect those dots!

Ok Ralphie or Jag and Flick or hosfly. You can put your decoder rings down for this one.

Notice at the bottom of the painting, 2012. Yes, see it now look real close. 2012 has a significance to the genius crew. I'll help you out this one time, only once though. 2012 is when the painting was done. Q didn't start until around 2017 therefore this painting had nothing to do with Q. SHAZAMM!

I know this stuff is too deep for us, but this one we got for you. Now if you want the real good stuff, watch the Simpsons. They have predicted the future several times. So stay tuned and don't get your tongue stuck to the flagpole.

Ahh but there is a secret in that 2012 date.
See, if you take the 20 and deduct the 1 and the 2 you get 17. Unbelievable!
How about them dots?
