Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by K22
Over 1 million views. That is awesome. Whip, I believe you must be a Visionary. How did you know there would be this amount of interest and obviously knowing that a vast number of folks were seeking real information and real truth that the MSM wasn't supplying.
My hat is off to you Whip.

Prolly just a lucky Quincidence, K. Did you know Que has been traced all the way back to 1962, being JFKs under assisted confidence crew.

After his death in '63 the following years saw the deep state heros of the lefts NWO Zionist Bolshevick cabal hunted the Qubers down and killed them along with many Kennedys, firstbbeing RFK. That led to the term Kennedy Curse, helped along by the deep state MSM, no doubt because the deep state secret societies, C_A and Fed Reserve owners hated them so for their plans to drain the swamp of the cabal. Ha, C_A, strong arm of the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and the Bush's.

No wonder G Bush said he couldnt remember where he, a young C_A traitor, was the day JFK was assassinated.

They took out 3 more Kennedys over the last year. Of course those anti-Qubers thought the Kennedy Curse was either just a string of unfortunate coincidences. Well, or a curse on the family caused by God.

Ha, none dare call it a conspiracy.

BTW, i have no suicidal tendancies. I have more trout and crappie to catch and eat. wink

There is a possibility that the NWO Zionist Cabal knew about Q, knew where Q originated from and needed to hide Q's teachings.

The Q source (also called Q document, Q Gospel, or Q from German: Quelle, meaning "source") is a hypothetical written collection of primarily Jesus' sayings (logia). Q is part of the common material found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke but not in the Gospel of Mark. According to this hypothesis, this material was drawn from the early Church's oral tradition.[1][2][3]

Along with Marcan priority, Q was hypothesized by 1900, and is one of the foundations of most modern gospel scholarship.[4] B. H. Streeter formulated a widely accepted view of Q: that it was written in Koine Greek; that most of its contents appear in Matthew, in Luke, or in both; and that Luke more often preserves the text's original order than Matthew. In the two-source hypothesis, the three-source hypothesis and the Q+/Papias hypothesis, Matthew and Luke both used Mark and Q as sources. Some scholars have postulated that Q is actually a plurality of sources, some written and some oral.[5] Others have attempted to determine the stages in which Q was composed.[6]

Q's existence has been questioned.[6] Omitting what should have been a highly treasured dominical document from all early Church catalogs, its lack of mention by Jerome is a conundrum of modern Biblical scholarship.[7] But copying Q might have been seen as unnecessary as it was preserved in the canonical gospels. Hence, it was preferable to copy the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, "where the sayings of Jesus from Q were rephrased to avoid misunderstandings, and to fit their own situations and their understanding of what Jesus had really meant".[8] Despite challenges, the two-source hypothesis retains wide support.[6]