I reject gialie’s suggestion of a date range simply because he went “Federal building”.

For Federal building I give you Timmy Mcveigh (spelling?)

For the softball team shot up by a leftist nutjob I give you Giffords/Loughner.

But seriously. Denying right-wing violence is literally coffee-out-nose ridiculousness. You know this. Especially here on a thread where the OP is literally calling for widespread right-wing violence. And has been for YEARS. Here. On this forum. Along with a bunch more of you. Probably YOU, if I felt motivated to dig a bit. No?

Don’t piss on my boots and tell me it’s raining, cowboy. I saw this, here, with my own two eyes. wink

Now can we please get back to connecting the dots? I’m jones’ing, maaaaaan!

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two