Originally Posted by local_dirt
Originally Posted by Jeff_O
I just have to laugh at being called a communist. In addition to being farcically untrue, It’s so... unimaginative and LAME.

-The Viper. Who just delivered $1500 of parts- that I just raised the price of, capitalist bastard that I am- to another business.

By the way jag, if your cute lil angel has ruffled tail feathers, and a certain glow about her.... that’s just from a minion doin’ what we do. wink

Well, you're a fugkin moron, too.

So there's that..

Lol.... well, the older I get, the more I see that yes, myself, and pretty much everyone else, are morons in one way or another.

Doesn’t mean I’m wrong, though. wink

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two