If you don’t understand that this is a Very Big Deal, then your dot-connector is busted. I mean, clearly it IS, that’s not news, but still. It bears repeating.

Friend Jaguar, these folks coming forward and testifying under oath, in front of God and everybody, are not Democrats. They aren’t even RINO’s. Or (scary horror movie announcer voice) The Deep State.

These folks were high-level, fully invested, in-the-room, MAGA.

Let that sink in a minute.

I told you so. I did! It’s about to get much, much worse. Ever seen the phenomenon when a criminal enterprise cracks and the rats go scurrying to protect themselves, leaving just the Big Cheese standing alone? Well get out your popcorn, numbnuts. It’s happening. Just like I predicted.

My DOG. 😂

Trump will announce for 2024 soon. It’s already a flop. He’s got the stank on him.


The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two