Originally Posted by rainshot
one has to be a true idiot to actually believe Biden won the election. The only question is will he die before or after he goes to prison.

This is my concern
They will all die of old age before they are prosecuted
We have heard of the 1 year Delta , 2 year Delta , 3 year Delta now we are at the 4 year Delta and there is no signs that we will not see the 5 year , 10 year or 20 year Deltas before this is all over.

They say the end will not be for everyone.
The End may just be that they all just die off.
I watch and I search and I do believe that the Patriots are in control.
At 61 years old I feel that I will be long dead before any high standing people are Prosecuted for the Crimes of Treason
I sure hope that I am wrong about that.