Dear Jag, compadre... I hate being cynical, and prefer offering positive observations, however this country is no longer even attempting to hide the despicable corruption devouring our nation. Instead duplicity is flaunted. No country in the history of the world has "voted out" corruption. Nada, zero, never. I feel Q is advancing a false hope among millions of Americans. Every facet of government and main stream media has been infiltrated by despots, with the exception of SCOTUS, and that advantage is bound by only a thin margin. I do not believe the American population has the wherewithal, leadership, or inclination to mount a legitimate insurrection indicting a traitors justice. A red wave may very well occur in November, yet the blue states will remain blue, likely because it's not the votes, but the counting. Trump gave us the illumination of greatest awakening ever to be cast over America, however the DOJ and its unscrupulous autocratic tentacles will remain. (The military is the only way?) Can a disemboweled "woke" army successfully fight against NATO, the UN, and the Chinese? Looks as if blood-letting could be high. Granted, the US populous is the most well-armed nation in the world, but there again comes a lack of "wherewithal" and "leadership". Americans homes and estates won't be attacked. **Initially

Infrared is your friend...

Make Gitmo Great Again!!
Who gave the order to stop counting votes in the swing states on the night of November 3/4, 2020?