Originally Posted by Gypsy_Wind
Originally Posted by jaguartx
…and would also show Bidet didn't control the Military and that actually Trump does.

Just playing devil’s advocate, then…if Trump is in control of the military, presumably he has not relinquished it since the start of his first term. That being the case, I then have to accept he is responsible for the 2021 debacle in Afghanistan??

And for the absurd woke policies being enacted??

Earlier this year, enlistment was down as much as 40% in the army. Rank and file, white males who serve and die at a disproportionately high rate relative to the rest of society are collectively saying “f*** that” to signing into a military machine that hates, but uses them to push the complex forward. If Trump is in control, by what logic is he allowing for the greatest fighting force in world history to implode?

Don't expect him to use critical thinking skills, he only regurgitates q b.s., and q hasn't told him how to answer that.

Expect some sort of cryptic mumbo-jumbo concerning some dumb post on Twitter...

Last edited by Jackson_Handy; 11/28/22.