Just want to connect a dot/ make a prediction.

I was pondering why the Trump/Bannon “Axis of Sedition” was so transparently eager to suddenly waive the executive privilege (that didn’t exist anyway for multiple reasons) that Bannon has been claiming... no, it’s not for the reasons in Trumps weepy little note... keep in mind, Trump doesn’t do [bleep] for other people; it’s all about HIM, plus, if they were so worried about Bannon’s legal expenses there’s well over $100M sitting in a PAC donated by you dumbasses... no, this isn’t about any of that.

I’ve been saying Trump has ONE CARD he can play here, and it’s a crappy one, but it’s all he’s got as the walls close in and the first-hand sworn testimony piles up demonstrating his blatant criminality in the attempts to steal the election.... he’s got one cruddy, stoopid, card that pretty much eliminates him as a future POTUS just right on the face of it, because it demonstrates a complete lack of “executive function”....

It also throws all you conspiratorial dumbasses to the rhetorical wolves because it essentially both blames you AND puts the same stank of stoopid on you....

I’ve detailed this before, but you seem to be too busy spoutin’ the crazy to listen... Do you want me to remind you what card that is, Friend Jaguar?

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two