Originally Posted by smokepole
Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Originally Posted by smokepole
I've said it before, if you pay zero tax you shouldn't get to vote. Most of our politics involves arguing over how tax dollars get spent.

If you're working age, able-bodied, and not contributing, why should you have a say?

Because the laws of the land bear on everyone?

Sure they do. And if someone wants to participate in the process, they need to contribute something. All it takes is doing the same thing every other taxpayer does.

If the laws bear on everyone, then everyone should have a say. Unless your position is that non-taxpayers shouldn’t be subject to our laws. Lol.

You aren’t describing a representative democracy. Societies are a mix of people. If you had your way, “Smokepolistan” would disenfranchise millions upon millions upon millions of legit Americans. Including, but not limited to, the elderly, the infirm, the injured, the disabled, and so on.

We live in a representative democracy. With a few exceptions (such as with Oregon’s citizen initiative process), the people aren’t voting directly on how to spend money. We are voting for representatives we hope will go to the sausage factory and more or less represent our broad interests. Those interests go far beyond the spending of money. The spending of money comes AFTER the representation of interests.

I was just out torching weeds with the mutha of all weedburners and thought of something else I want to add. You said, what would stop you from sending in your kid’s ballots. Uh... a felony charge? Same thing that stops you from printing out a false ID and fraudulently voting in person...? But more to the point, this last election has been audited to DEATH. Where’s the mail-in fraud?! There’s like 12 cases or some such. And most went for Trump, ironically.

Properly implemented mail-in voting is secure, increases participation/turnout, and therefore more accurately represents our population. Let the chips fall where they may. Such is democracy.

Last edited by Jeff_O; 03/31/22.

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