Originally Posted by smokepole
Originally Posted by BayouRover
Originally Posted by smokepole
That last one was a doozy. I don't think I could make that schit up if I was riding shotgun cross-country with Hunter S. Thompson.

Do you mean its like 99.9% of the others?

I would never say that. Let's be fair, it's closer to 99.5%.


The American Right is operating on a spectrum of bullshït; Q is just at the more extreme end. Anyone who believes the election was stolen is on the spectrum. And besides, strip away the weird numerology and connecting things that, well, don’t connect, and how is the basic Q worldview different than the basic Rightist worldview? The other dude is evil incarnate, and violence is justified to rid America of the bastids. That’s now just a given on the Right. I’ve been seeing folks come out and say that explicitly here for over a decade. Just the other day, without even trying, I saw two separate posts calling for essentially right-wing death squads for Jesus. crazy

Entities have intentionally manipulated the Right into this place. That’s the real conspiracy here.

My .sig says it succinctly. You can be for Trump, and call yourself a patriot, but only at the expense of actual reality, given what that un-American POS tried to do. Or, you can be a patriot and acknowledge reality, but that excludes support for Trump. Or you can support Trump while acknowledging the reality of what he did, but then you sure as [bleep] can’t call yourself a patriot.

None of this rhetoric matters; it’s a waste of breath. Everyone reading this knows the Right is gonna try to steal power again. They got the taste and they were perfectly ok with it, and now there’s a roadmap. You’re either against it, or you’re complicit. There’s no middle ground.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two