Originally Posted by Jcubed
22 trillion in gold transferred?

1 trillion, depending on price of gold at approx 1800 a Troy ounce, is approx 17000 metric tons.

Uh oh...

"The New York Federal Reserve is currently the world's largest depository of gold. Back in 2015 it held approximately 6,350 tonnes of gold on behalf of numerous government institutions from around the world. The Bank of England is the second largest keeper of gold. It holds around 5,134 tonnes of gold between the UK and 30 other countries' foreign reserves."


Get even more into conspiracy...22 x 17000? Well, that equals approx 374000 metric tons of gold!


"The latest estimate for all the gold in the world – the amount of gold that has been mined – is 197,300 tonnes."

[Same site as above]

So, Jag, liking all these Q numbers: is 374000 greater than 197300?

If so? How was this possible?

Or do these Q peeps just toss out huge numbers (obviously false) to generate emotional outrage and adherence of blind followers?


(Hope my math was correct on the phone calculator)